Standard Concrete


Water plus cement plus aggregates. The formula seems simple, but the reality of concrete manufacturing is far more complex. The development of formulas for concrete requires very advanced scientific skills. The quality of the cement and aggregates, the dosage and the proportions are just some of the variables that influence the properties of concrete.


Concrete is a carefully balanced mix of cement, aggregates and water. Cement acts as the binder and modifies the characteristics and uses of concrete:

Portland cement is used to make reinforced concrete; blended Portland cement is used for slabs and roads;other types of cement are usually reserved for work that does not require particularly high resistance to heat.

Aggregates, another essential ingredient in concrete, retain the intrinsic properties of the rocks that they come from. The color and chemical and physical characteristics of aggregates have a direct impact on the durability, esthetics and mechanical properties of concrete.

Concrete is a carefully balanced mix of cement, aggregates and water. Cement acts as the binder and modifies the characteristics and uses of concrete.

Strength grades from 15Mpa to 70Mpa are adapted to the needs